As a student, you'll need better financial tools on your side than the bank account your parents signed you up for when you were 8. To keep your money organized at university and beyond, upgrade to a chequing account for daily purchases, a savings account for money meant to be spent later, and a credit card for online purchases and booking travel.
You can opt to shop around and open accounts at different financial institutions or choose an all-in-one package, which may net you discounts on fees. Whatever you pick, it's important to be frank with yourself about your spending needs. If you plan to use a credit card only for online shopping and emergencies, don't choose a rewards credit card with a $150 annual fee. You probably won't earn enough in rewards to offset the cost. (Shameless plug: our no-fee credit card gives you great cash back rewards, travel insurance, and purchase protection!)
Life as a college or university student can be hectic and overwhelming, but it's the wrong time to let your money management fall by the wayside. Fortunately, all you need to do is run down this simple list to master basic money skills and set yourself up for financial success before classes begin and long after they end.